Grottes de Blanot

The abyss cave

La grotte gouffre

Some historical background

The Blanot Grottoes open up in the La Mangette dale, on the western hillside of Mount St. Romain, which is the culminating point of the Clunisois area (579 m high).

Shaped a long time ago, the caves developed in a fractured zone, thus bringing together the Jurassic limestones of the Bajocian (170 million years BC) and the granite rock base of Mount St. Romain.

Strong element of the natural heritage of the Clunisois area, the Blanot Grottoes have belonged to the commune since 1959 and therefore the village of Blanot owns and manages the caves. The welcoming and animation parts are monitored by the "La Cailleverdière" association.

First time the cavity was evoked dates back to the time when Doctor Benoît Dumolin, from Cluny, wrote on the subject in 1739. Given that the site was difficult to access, it had very few visits over the 18th and 19th centuries.

The exploration of the subterranean world was enhanced in the middle of the 20th century with the growth of caving clubs. From 1951 to 1952, some young inhabitants of Blanot created further arrangements, when at the same time the prospection of the karstic network did not stop extending and updating the knowledge and access of the circuit for the visitors.

The tourism exploitation of the caves seems to have really started in 1914, as an advertising announcement made by the Jusseau Hotel («Concession holder of the Caves») testified. Initially the management of the cavity was private but then it became communal in 1959, after Mr Miot donated the site. From then onwards, its continuous development allowed to go 80 meters deep down underground and thus enabled to visit the main networks.

The cave fauna

In accordance with Natura 2000 purposes, the Blanot Grottoes have been classified as «Burgundy bats Cavities».
And in the light of this, a site management plan aiming at protecting chiropterans was carried out and some preservation measures were also implemented. Because of populations decreasing dramatically, the observation of bats became less and less frequent during summertime. In the winter season, however, they are far more numerous gathering together in the cavity to hibernate. And therefore, the access is strictly forbidden during that period because their sleep patterns must be respected!

Equally discreet, a diverse subterranean wildlife is well represented: shellfish species, insects, arachnids...
We advise you to pay close attention, as you might have the opportunity to meet them when you visit our site.

Nearby the touristic cave, the La Mangette dale has a great number of little cavities, several of which were searched from 1951 to 1962. One of them provided with many bones linked to several fragments of flint and to a Musterian spike (carved-stone tool used during Middle Paleolithic). The bone remnants (buffalo, bear, wild boar, deer, hyena, wolf, horse...) determined by A. Argant indicate an age ranging from 130 000 and 115 000 years BC!

La Cailleverdière, our association partner

The association was created in 2012 and it currently has about forty members.
Its goal is to «give support to the communal action that manages the BLANOT GROTTOES site, thus enabling to welcome visitors and catering to theirs demands, but also providing communication  materials, organising the sale of drinks and ice creams, planning some events allowing to improve the promotion of the site of the CAVES and of the village.»

During the whole opening season of the caves, a bunch of volunteers bring some kind of support through their presence at the refreshment bar.

The association suggests events such as conferences, shows, and gigs on the Caves site.
It designs projects to upgrade the site, develops animations focusing on fauna and flora.
It can be supportive for different projects and events concerning the village of Blanot, clustering its inhabitants in a participatory approach.
If you wish to find out more about our events, become a volunteer, join the association, you can of course contact us by mail.

Bear skull from Tibet, Blanot 2, La Mangette dale
Coordonnées Lambert, carte Tournus N°5 au 1 :20 000 X-784,900 ; Y-167,840 ; Z-390

* PH 2017 : Pierre Hantzpergue

The association "La Cailleverdière"

The association was created in 2012 and it currently has about forty members.
Its goal is to «give support to the communal action that manages the BLANOT GROTTOES site, thus enabling to welcome visitors and catering to theirs demands, but also providing communication  materials, organising the sale of drinks and ice creams, planning some events allowing to improve the promotion of the site of the CAVES and of the village.»

During the whole opening season of the caves, a bunch of volunteers bring some kind of support through their presence at the refreshment bar.

The association suggests events such as conferences, shows, and gigs on the Caves site.
It designs projects to upgrade the site, develops animations focusing on fauna and flora.
It can be supportive for different projects and events concerning the village of Blanot, clustering its inhabitants in a participatory approach.
If you wish to find out more about our events, become a volunteer, join the association, you can of course contact us by mail.