Grottes de Blanot

The Blanot caves - Cluny Sud Bourgogne

Fougnieres 71250 BLANOT

The visit of the cave-chasm goes more than 80m deep down into the bowels of the earth, thus providing sightseers with the keys to unravel the mystery of a secret realm.

A dazzling underground walk in the heart of a site which has managed to keep its authentic features and which you will inevitably marvel at.


After having bought your ticket at the reception hall, a guide will accompany you and share his expert tips in order to show you every nook and cranny of our cave-chasm and to explain its fascinating history. And there are numerous stories to tell, to put it mildly! About the circumstances in which it was found, the way it formed, but also about the potholing concretions, its fauna, and the many anecdotes related to it all. But more importantly, we advise you to open your eyes wide and simply admire what nature created... Ranging from the grandiose rooms to the narrow galleries, the great diversity and breath-taking beauty of the landscape will not stop surprising you.

The visit lasts about 75 min. You will have to complete a 650-step circuitous loop which will lead you from the surface down to 80m deep (see visiting tips).

- open on weekends and bank holidays from the 1st of May to the 30th of June
- every day from the 1st of July to the 31st of August
-20 and 21 september

Opening times for guided tours:
Guided visit with or without prior booking every opening days from midday to 7pm (for groups, latest start at 6pm).
In May and June: open each week-ends and public holidays, start every 60 min/90 min.
In July and August: open each day, start every 30 minutes.( 1 tour more at 11 o'clock between 15th july and 15th august)

Fares grid:
Single person:
Adult: 8€
Children under 15 years old: 4€
Children under 4 years old: free

Groups (more than 8 people):
adult: 6€/child: 3€
Preferential rates upon presentation of your "Azé Grottes" "Brancion castle", " Berzé castle" ticket: adult 7€ ,child 3€

"Caving Mood" visit: single fee of 18€, must be booked on the website.

Methods of payment accepted are cheques, holiday vouchers, cash, credit cards (when buying ice-creams or drinks, please use only cheques and cash)

"Caving Mood" visits

"Caving Mood" visits

On Friday evenings, it is time for "Caving Mood" visits!

This exploration will give you a different view of the grottoes and it will help you get into the role of a budding caver! Visit conducted with the light of our headlamps, discovery of extra galleries which have not been followed on previous guided tours, etc...

And to finish enjoying this convivial time, you will be offered a friendship drink once outiside!

Every Friday from the 1st of July to the 31th of August, meeting point at 7pm.

Maximum of 13 people per group.
Helmets and lamps are provided, however you must wear clothes that you will not be afraid to soil or damage.
Class 0 "Caving Mood" visits.
By reservation 03 85 50 03 79 or 06 34 60 06 76.

Useful tips for the visit

The cave is a natural site. Even though the way leading to it is accessible not only for young people but also for the elderly, a few precautions are greatly recommended:

- the indoor temperature ranges between 11 and 13°C, so you will need to take a sweater, cardigan or jacket with you.

- the moisture and the numerous stairs will not enable you to go down wearing bad shoes, therfore we advise you to choose flat, comfortable and non-slippery ones.

- even if a normal physical condition is ok to be able to visit the grottoes, do not forget that you will have 650 stairs steps to hurdle (but rest assured that there will be many breaks during the visit!)

- it goes without saying that inside a cave-chasm, people suffering from claustrophobia or vertigo will not necessarily have a great time.

Last but not least, the fact that the cave is a natural site also means that no access was laid out for wheelchairs and strollers. And for parents wishing to visit with a baby-carrier, they will be urged to place it in the ventral position (if you forget to do so, do not worry as we can lend the one belonging to us at the reception, as well as a kangoroo sling).

There we go, ready to go deep down! Open your eyes wide and make the most of this unique moment!

Group visit

The cave-chasm of Blanot is a playful, cultural and natural place and thus an ideal place for group outings.

We welcome school groups, leisure centres, companies, and any organised group from the 1st of May to the 30th of September on booking only.

Minimum of 15 visitors (from 25, people will be split into 2 groups).

Browse our special school group "Wandering about in the Cluny area" offer: Vagabondages en Clunisois

Contact us for further details.